When Is A Good Time To Take Portraits?

There’s never a bad time for photos!


As a mommy I know how it feels to just prefer to be behind the camera! But this changed when my girls started asking, “where were you mommy?”  😦

After a couple bdays of downloading pictures and realizing it looked as if I wasn’t apart of the event I realized that I HAD to do something about that.  Did you know that your kids don’t care if you are carrying around a couple extra pounds, or if your hair and makeup aren’t perfect….THEY DON’T, they just want to see you with them when they look back at their photos!  Whether they are 3 or 35 they LOVE YOU no matter how imperfect you think you look.  You will always want to loose another 10lbs or hate your haircut or the humidity…there’s always an excuse!  We are no guaranteed our time on this earth…don’t let tomorrow be too late for you!  EXIST!

PREGNANCY – Between 35-37 weeks is a good time for Pregnancy photos. Your belly is nice and big (which is a GOOD thing when it comes to Pregnancy photos!), but generally you are still feeling comfortable.

NEWBORN  – Generally the younger the baby (as in the first two weeks), the sleepier, and easier to settle, he or she will be (but this is not always the case… They’re unpredictable little things!). But the final decision on when is the ‘right’ time always falls back to Mom and Dad.

BABIES – Babies are great to photograph at any age! But I find 4, 8, and 12 months are particularly good ages. These are the average ages for sitting, crawling, walking, along with bursts in personality! A First Birthday Cake Smash session is always fun!

TODDLERS–  Okay, honestly these little monsters are probably my FAVORITE!  Crazy, am I?  LOL!  I would say any day, anytime!

FAMILY– Again…EXIST!  Most families love to do Fall or Spring Outdoor Portraits and I always have mini-sessions available during these seasons so there’s NO EXCUSE!

Outdoor sessions take place either early morning between 8am-11am and evening 6pm-8pm to utilize the perfect lighting conditions. Specific times change throughout the seasons, but will be discussed upon booking.

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