What To Wear

The most common question & statement I hear, “I don’t have ANYTHING to wear!”  LOL!

Please don’t STRESS!!!  It’s just a picture and I know you don’t do them everyday but seriously just dress comfortably, nothing out of the ordinary.

The best family photos I’ve ever taken are done with happy comfortable families dressed like they would everyday (okay maybe with the exception of maybe having a color coordinating scheme but thats not painfully difficult)!  I have several Pinterest boards solely based on clothing ideas as well as boards based on posing ideas so please feel free to browse my page and find something that catches your eye and let me know so we can build your custom shoot around that idea.  Visit my page @  http://www.pinterest.com/jenabridges7/

Some of my favorite children’s stores are Janie & Jack, Crazy 8, and Gymboree but that’s not to say that Target doesn’t carry amazing clothes too!  Really!  My favorite stores just make it easy to mix and match the kiddos then mom & dad can throw on some jeans or a skirt and solid color top.  I do try to stay away for crazy patterns that distract the eye or any large logos that will date your pictures.

Give your portraits some style too- bring a jacket/ scarf/ hat/ vest/ etc.  Having options gives you a ton of different poses and for the little ones a prop always makes things more entertaining!

I cannot wait to photograph you!  Call me today!  Cya soon!

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